Teradyne Flying Prober

Model number:   ESI-1004
Manufactured:    Late 1997

System is in Excellent Condition.                                                     

Four moving test heads
Gray-scale vision system
Probe Area – 19.7" x 23.7"
In-line configuration
Analog R,L,C, opens and shorts measurements

System Requirements:
A.C. power requirements - 208V, three phase, 3O Amp
Compressed air is required to run the system

The following items are included with the system:
Head calibration card
EXSEL offline Flying Prober software Version A.0
Flying Prober OS Type 1 software Version A.0.2
Flying Prober Operation Manual

On May 25, 1999 the following checks were performed:
Successfully powered up unit and ran head calibration routine.
Loaded customer XXX program - P.C. worked fine.
Ran board test program, board ran satisfactorily - no problems encountered.